Los mejores artículos para deportes

Términos y Condiciones

The following Terms and Conditions apply to all services provided through this website.
By using it or the services provided, you accept these Terms and Conditions. Before you start browsing the website, read the content of the Terms and Conditions. Only adults, i.e. 18 years of age or older, can use the website.

Changes to services and Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to withdraw any service at any time. The User is bound by the Terms and Conditions, which are currently available at the time of using the service. We reserve the right to update the Terms and Conditions without informing about it.

Restrictions and Obligations

By using the website, you agree to:
 Do not post, redistribute or promote any material that may adversely affect our business
 Not to behave in a way that makes it difficult for anyone else to use the website
 Do not behave in a way that affects the security of the website and do not use any devices for this purpose
 Do not use devices, tools or software that can navigate on the site, search it or copy its content

Limitation of Liability

The website is not liable to the user or third parties for any damages resulting from the use of the website. The user agrees to act in a manner that is not legally encumbering us and to protect us against the resulting costs.

User’s account

To use some of the services available on the website, it may be necessary to create an account, log in and link the payment methods. If the user decides to use the services offered, he is obliged to keep his password confidential and limit access to his account to the extent of applicable law. You are also responsible for the activities that take place under your account or password, so you should take all steps to ensure the security and confidentiality of your password and inform us as soon as you have any doubts about how to use your password.
The user agrees to provide complete and correct data and to inform about changes on an ongoing basis.
We reserve the right to close your account if your behavior gives a legitimate reason for such solution, e.g. in the case of violation of the law or these provisions.

Opinions and comments

The user has the possibility to post a comment or opinion about the product on the website, as long as the content is not offensive, illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, violating privacy or otherwise harmful to third parties, containing viruses, political campaigns, chains, commercial solicitation or other forms ofspam”. The sender of the comment / opinion must use real data and cannot pretend to be other person. We reserve the right to remove content that somehow raises our doubts as to compliance with the above guidelines.

Terms of Sale

By making the decision to place an order, the user agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, therefore it is necessary to read them carefully. If the following Terms and Conditions do not match the Terms of Service, those will take precedence.
When placing an order, the user will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of the order and its details. The message is only a confirmation of receipt of the order and not an acceptance of the purchase offer. The purchase offer is accepted and the sales contract is concluded when the product is shipped to the customer and the shipment confirmation e-mail is sent.
A separate confirmation message is sent for each package, and a separate sales contract is concluded with this.
We send electronic invoices and the user, deciding to purchase, agrees to it. Invoices are made available in a PDF file in theMy Accounttab. We will inform you about the availability of the invoice for download by e-mail.
We would like to point out that we offer the sale of products only in the amount appropriate to the typical needs of an average household, both in one order and in several orders of the same product.

Order cancelation

The User has the right to cancel the order within 14 days of its receipt or from the date of the conclusion of the contract (regarding digital products, services and content) without giving any reason.
For this purpose, please submit an application available on the website. For all details on this matter, please contact our Customer Service Office.
The refund will be made within 14 days after receiving the return, using the same payment methods that were used when placing the order.
The buyer is charged with cost of return.
We may refuse to accept the return if it turns out that the product has been damaged or shows signs of use.

Product price and availability

The prices available on our website include a Goods and Services Tax (VAT).
We would like to inform you that there may be a situation where the price given on the website is incorrect. In this case, during the realisation of the order, we shall verify this price. If it turns out that the correct price is higher, we will ask if the buyer accepts it and wants to continue to buy the product or wants to cancel the order accordingly. Conversely, if it turns out that the correct price is lower than the price shown on the website, we will charge the lower amount and complete the order.
There is information on the availability of the product on the website. The availability status is kept up-to-date as quickly as possible. If it turns out that a given product is unavailable, we will send you a message immediately and inform you about it and you will not be charged for these products.
Delivery dates are only estimations and should not be relied upon.

Privacy policy and cookies

We use two types of cookies: operational and advertising. Operational used, for example, recognizing the user when logging in, adjusting certain functions and services, proposing products that may interest you, tracking items saved in the basket. We also use cookies to understand how customers use our services in order to improve them. We use advertising files to display advertisements for products not offered by our website, but tailored to users’ interests.
Cookie settings can be managed in theCookie preferencestab. Cookies allow you to use the basic functions available on the website. By changing the settings, not all services may work properly, e.g. there may be problems with theBuy nowoption or with the realisation of the order.
To know more about it, read the Privacy Policy document.